Latest WIP

Here is the first sculpture which I intend to fire and possibly sell. It is about 6 inches high and made from white stoneware clay. I have taken the sculpture as far as poss without reference. So now I will find a similar pose and finish detailing it.The pictures are a bit rubbish as they were taken in low light without a tripod.


Bob Tinsley said…
She's beautiful, Chris! Well done!

Gail said…
This one is beautiful Chris, it'll be interesting to see her when she's finished off and fired.
Well done!
-Gail X
Sarah said…
What can I say Chris....stunning.
What about a life size one?....cost i suppose
Chris.P said…
Cheers Bob. I'm looking forward to trying the same sort of thing in wood:¬)

Thanks Gail. It's the finishing touches which take the most time. Something to do with the law of diminishing returns.

Hi Sarah. I appreciate your comment. I do want to do larger sculptures. What I'm hoping to do is find a size I am most comfortable with. I think maybe 60cm, (2 feet in old money), would be an ideal size in terms of working and impact of the finished article.
tlchang said…
Chris - I've been woefully behind on blog-reading - I'm really enjoying all of your sculptures - and congrats on the new book? Sounds like things are flowing for you at present. Yay!
Cathy said…
Lovely lyrical work, Chrispy! I can see that you enjoy this kind of subject matter.

By the way, I notice that you follow a small number of blogs. Why doesn't mine feature among them?
Chris.P said…
Hi tara and Cathy, thanks for your comments. I've actually changed the pose of the sculpture as I realised it is fairly uncomfortable.

Nothing personal Cathy. I've been meaning to add to my list of Blogs but I have been a bit lazy. The ones up their now were just transferred from my other blog to test if the links were working.
Chris.P said…
Cathy, sorry I was confused. The blogs shown are the one's following me: 'followers' not 'following'

If you had a list of followers and a follow button I could follow you. follow? :¬)
Cathy said…
Thanks for the comment on my blog, Chrispy, and the invitation to mud wrestling was the most appealing one I've had today. Will do the thing with the buttons.
beautifully executed!