My Christmas

Was frankly a bit of a flop. The family travelled up country to spend Christmas day with my mum. Unfortunately my wife and son caught the Flu and spent much of the time in quarantine. There is a nasty cocktail of viruses around at the moment, including the Winter Vomiting Bug, Flu, and Australian Flu.

Also my brother who was at the Christmas meal was there with his latest girlfriend and her teenage son and daughter. As nice as they are, it was hard to totally relax in the company of people you have only just met! But irrespective of this, my social skills did seem alarmingly bad. I used to be really good at joining in on conversations where the subjects didn't really interest me. But on this occasion I seemed to lack enthusiasm. Have the years of isolation taken thier toll on my ability to interact with my fellow humans? I fear this is the case.

2009 needs to see me loosening my shackles. I am going to go forth and meet new people. Trust that opportunities will come my way and follow the creative path that is right for me.

BTW, I have just made a post regarding illustration on:

I'd like to wish everyone a healthy and prosperous 2009 and look forward to sharing my creativity with you.
