Life, The Universe And Everything...well not quite...or even close

Ok, here goes....

On Life....

First of all I'd like to extend my deepest sympathy to those involved in the M5 crash on the 4th of November 2011; to the families who lost loved ones, those who were injured and those who were lucky enough to survive.

On the night of the accident I was driving 'up country' from Cornwall with my wife and son and made our usual stop at Cullompton Services to stretch our legs.  What was unusual was having to put some more petrol in my tank.  I have never underfilled before and I have been doing this journey for 15 years. 

It was this unscheduled stop and difficulties with obtaining a coffee that proved a Godsend.  A coachload of students suddenly joining the queue at Macdonalds prevented a quick getaway, and a shopkeeper opening the coffee machine to clean it meant I would be compelled to buy a coffee from the onsite petrol station.  This provided a seemingly innocent dilemma involving a choice of danish pastries offered in a deal. My son is fussy so I deliberated for some time between the different varieties to a point where my wife nearly came in to see what was keeping me.  This delay amounted to a vital couple of minutes.

Once on the motorway in varying degrees of fog I saw the brakelights of a car seemingly stopped dead in the middle of the lane.  This car and one other were the only cars between us and the back of the pile-up.  The last car to hit the queue only seconds before had burst into flames.  Plenty of people behind me must have thought 'There for the grace of God go I,' but for me, I know the string of 'coincidences' saved us from what could have been a life changing or ending scenario.

I met my friend Aki in London, a very talented Japanese artist who I first met in Cornwall on a jewellery course.  She, like a number of artist friends, have left my county; and although I miss their company it has taught me self-reliance and fostered in me a determination to succeed albeit in a solitary quest.


Jewellery design is going to be my main priority; whilst at the same time but to a lesser extend I will be working on the model kit mentioned in the previous post.  I have built the armature as shown below.

But I am also going to go back to my roots to create a couple of fresh traditional 3D illustrations to send to my Agent so he knows I am still alive and hopefully spark some renewed interest:)
