I Want To be An Illustrator Again

Having just visited the Falmouth degree Show:

Click here

I am inspired to ressurect my ailing Illustration career. Far from being intimidated by seeing loads of fresh Illustrators entering the Illustration market, it enthuses me to be involved again.

I know to many of you it is mumbo jumbo, but I have been getting many warning signs from Oracle cards recently. I have been drawing the same card, ('Arrow Master'), time and again out of a deck of 40 cards, and always reversed. It's telling me to make sure I am moving in the right direction. I have taken a step outside of what I am doing and have reconsidered my current course.

More soon.


Gail said…
Yesterday I popped along to the Degree Show at Plymouth Uni and I must say I felt much the same as you. I've concentrated on the garphic design side of my career for some time now ... but yesterday highlighted where my heart really lies ... not sure what to do now ... :-(
It's good to know you're feeling driven to make a positive change for yourself - whatever it may be, I wish you luck!
I see tarot etc as being a tool for tapping into the thoughts that run in your subconscious that you otherwise might ignore - the cards draw attention to something you already know, in a sense. It's the things you notice in the cards that matter, and it's a skill to be able to interpret them (in a sense, interpret yourself) I think that must be a useful thing for you. :)
Sarah said…
Just be aware enough to spot the potential open doors. They are not always what they seem..!!
Gina said…
I can not wait to see your new work. It's going to be great! You are being called!
Chris.P said…
Thank you so much for the replies:)

It's a tough one Gail. It's not such a hard decision when one becomes accustomed to a low standard of living? In this cas you can afford to go with one's heart:)

I think you are right Catherine. The hints are there whether subconscious or spiritual.

Hmmn, yes Sarah am I smart enough to spot them:)

Hi gina, thanks for your comment. I wanted to visit your Blog the other day but lost your link. Now I can visit you
clare said…
I saw the Falmouth and Plymouth illustration exhibits at New Designers show in Islington over the weekend: by far and away the most inspiring of the illustration course displays! Reminded me fully of why I am an illustrator.

Good luck with your quest to follow your heart for your work.